
In 2009, Karen Searls completed a research study of the effects of Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ) treatments on women with breast cancer. Twenty-nine women each received a series of 10 one-hour sessions of JSJ. The research, published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing, showed statistically significant improvement in the participants’ quality of life through measures of their physical, mental, and emotional well-being and their ability to perform daily activities. Comments from two of the participants follow.
“Before I started this project, I was constantly tired, listless, very anxious, slightly depressed and felt very separated from my normal life. Going through the JSJ experience rekindled my energy level and helped me to move forward into the next part of my life. I feel very strongly that JSJ is an invaluable tool for helping breast cancer patients recover from the shock and trauma of having cancer. I have nothing but gratitude for the fine medical care I received, but the medical process is only a part of getting well. JSJ is one of the finest healing processes I have ever experienced.”
“I feel that a gift of the work is and will be a way to be present to my body and mind and feelings. I feel that the practice will create a framework I can use to check in with myself and rebalance.”
Research History and Availability
Ms. Searls, a JSJ Certified Practitioner and Self-Help Teacher, working under the auspices of the Center for Health & Healing, submitted a proposal to The Gustavus and Louise Pfeiffer Research Foundation to evaluate the effect of JSJ sessions on women diagnosed with breast cancer. The research proposal, the Hygeia Project, was awarded $22,000 in April 2008 and ran from July, 2008, to June, 2009. Ms. Searls collaborated with Jacqueline Fawcett, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor and Nursing Department Chairperson, College of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts. Karen Searls was the primary investigator and Dr. Fawcett performed the statistical analysis. In May 2010, their research was accepted for publication by the peer-reviewed Journal of Holistic Nursing and was published December, 2011.
The accepted version of the research paper is available for download. The published version which contains final edits and carries the imprint of the publisher is available for purchase from the publisher. Both versions of the paper are copyright protected and cannot not be posted on any other website.
Effect of Jin Shin Jyutsu Energy Medicine Treatments on
Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer | Abstract
Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 10 weekly treatments of Jin Shin Jyutsu (JSJ), as practiced by a qualified practitioner, for women diagnosed with breast cancer.
Design: A pretest, posttest exploratory evaluation project design was used. Twenty-nine women provided complete data. Method: Adaptation, social support, activities of daily living, helpfulness of JSJ, and project participation goals were measured by an investigator-developed questionnaire prior to and at the end of the 10 JSJ sessions.
Findings: Nonparametric statistical analyses revealed that at the end of the JSJ sessions, women had higher levels of adaptation and performance of activities of daily living but no difference in satisfaction with social support than at the beginning of project participation. Descriptive analyses indicated that women reported that JSJ was helpful and that their goals had been met. Content analysis of goals revealed that the women wanted to feel better physically and emotionally and to live a fuller life and were seeking balance in life.
Conclusions: JSJ may be an effective intervention for women with breast cancer. Although the sample size was small and a single practitioner provided treatment, the results indicate that a large-scale evaluation with multiple practitioners is warranted.
Karen’s Research
Version accepted for publication by JHN
Final version as appeared in JHN
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