jin shin jyutsu
Harmony, health and happiness arise naturally out of inner stillness. Even when our bodies aren’t racing from place to place, our minds continue the ceaseless movement. Meditation and inquiry, breath awareness, time spent in nature, and receiving energy work, all support coming to know who you are beneath the mental noise. Inner stillness is not action or inaction; it is a state of being. Discover this source in yourself and allow life to flow effortlessly from there.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a well-organized and comprehensive system of health and healing. Sharing common roots with acupuncture and acupressure, Jin Shin Jyutsu draws on ancient Asian healing traditions as well as Tibetan, Hindi and Mediterranean traditions.
In practice, Jin Shin Jyutsu is a way to balance your life energy and enhance your body’s innate ability to heal. By releasing the energetic causes of acute and chronic conditions, Jin Shin Jyutsu restores emotional equilibrium and relieves pain, fatigue, tension and stress. Even when you experience symptoms of dis-ease, an underlying ease and harmony are always available to you. Jin Shin Jyutsu invites self-awareness and discovery of this deeper harmony. When energy is balanced it feels like coming home to yourself – a sense of rightness in your being.
Jin Shin Jyutsu involves gentle touch, applied by a certified practitioner and through self-help. Treatment sessions are about an hour and often include self-help instruction.
Distance healing sessions are available. Please read about treatment sessions and call for more information about distance healing.
W hen studying Jin Shin Jyutsu, Mary said to open your books and dream. And this has been my approach. I would sit down on a Saturday morning, begin to follow a thread and an hour or three later all my books would be open on the kitchen table, pens and markers scattered about, and a chart would be taking shape….